Living the RAINBOW (Rest, Aerobics, Inner Work, Nourishment, Breathwork, Outdoors and Water Consumption) is one recipe for well-being.
BALANCE is key. In my RainbowBalance Method we live the rainbow in a balanced way.
Here are some ways you can find BALANCE.
Just be. Be yourself. You are the only you on this planet. You matter. You are 100% worthy right now. There is no need to “effort” or “try” to be anyone else. In fact, please don’t. You are what the world needs. But often, we hold back. We are unsure. We lack confidence. We think everyone has life figured out and we retreat. We don’t show up and shine. This is because we forget the truth. Let me remind you. You are valuable. You are enough. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You are perfect exactly as you are right now. Just be!
Allow. Allow your faults, mistakes, failures. Allow yourself to be perfectly imperfect. Allow yourself to feel all of your emotions. If you are willing to feel any emotion, you will not be afraid to pursue your dreams. Allow yourself to be fully human; give yourself (and others) grace. To allow is to surrender. Allow “what is” to be. Allow people to be who they are. This doesn’t mean you don’t communicate, but it means you are relinquishing control over them. You have agency over your decisions but not others. Allow events to unfold as they are unfolding. By allowing, we are trusting that God has a plan for us. We may not always see it, but we can choose to believe that everything is happening FOR us. Allow yourself to have faith. Allow yourself to be you! Allow yourself to shine brightly. Allow yourself to be unfazed by others’ opinions. Allow for it all.
Love is supreme. Love feels amazing. When we don’t love others, we suffer. Loving is beneficial for its receivers, AND love is also beneficial for you! Other peoples’ job is to push your buttons. Your job is to love them. Love isn’t dependent on the actions of others. And yes, you can love from afar. You are 100% lovable. Everyone has their own love-ability. Your love-ability is your ability and capacity to love. Others have their own love-ability and often, they may not have the ability yet to love as you would wish. It’s okay. Love them anyway. Love them more. They probably need it more than anyone else! We can be a reflection of God’s love. This is how He loves you.
Acceptance. Acceptance and allowance are similar. Accepting is seeing things for how they are rather than how you want them to be. Sometimes circumstances and world events are challenging to accept. Sometimes it’s hard for us to accept others and ourselves. In today’s world, accepting may seem like condoning. It is not. Accepting means that we acknowledge things for what they are and refrain from fighting with reality. Acceptance doesn’t mean we don’t do our part to make a difference in the world. It just means we realize that this world is, and always has been, less than ideal. By accepting this reality, we suffer so much less. This leaves us more available to do our part in implementing change. Accepting helps us to remain calm and peaceful; unacceptance keeps us angry and frustrated.
Nurturing means giving attention to things that matter to us most. We can nurture our bodies and our souls. We can nurture our relationships. We nurture when we give time and attention to things that matter to us. For example, do you need to eat healthier? Do you have a need to get closer to God or a particular relationship? Think of what needs to be nurtured in your life and how you can start nurturing these areas more.
Commit. Are you committed to your life and going after what you want? In order to accomplish what we want to in this world, we must be committed. Committing, in theory, is simple: deciding what you want and then going all in to get it. When we are committed, we follow through with what we say we are going to do. We honor our word to ourselves. We believe our dreams are important and valuable. Commitment requires two things, self-love and focus. When we are committed, we understand our “why.” Our “why” is the reason we want what we want in the first place. Decide what you want for your life and commit to it.
Enjoy. My friend Father Peter used to say, “They don’t pay me enough to be miserable.”: Are you enjoying your life? Are you seeing what’s good about your job, your partner, yourself and others? Sometimes – most times, we cannot change our circumstance, but we can change the way we think about them. This is key to finding joy in our lives. Enjoy ordinary moments; enjoy being bored. Enjoy the long car ride. Enjoy cleaning your home. Enjoy folding laundry. Enjoy yard work. Enjoy time with your friend instead of being annoyed with her. Enjoy people who are different from you.
Find enjoyment in small things, such as watching a snail emerge from its shell. Enjoy the breeze on your face.
And our work. Let’s enjoy it. We can appreciate what’s good about it. Instead of thinking: “Poor me, I have to be on my computer all day,” maybe thank God you have a job! Some people don’t.
Bottom line is: Life is too short to be miserable. Let’s find joy in all that we do!
Balance is a practice. Balance is about allowing, loving, accepting, nurturing, committing and enjoying. Balance is possible for anyone who desires it.
If you want to feel more balanced and free-spirited, I am here for you. Click here to set up a time to talk.
“Believing in our hearts that who we are is enough is the key to a more satisfying and balanced life.” Ellen Sue Stern